Workers who drive or deliver food for companies such as Uber, Lyft, or DoorDash can be classified as independent contractors under a law approved by California voters, the […]
Pregnant Workers Fairness Act Draws Yet Another Challenge
A measure intended to extend job protections to pregnant workers has been hit with another challenge, one claiming that the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission exceeded its statutory authority when […]
Ma. Court Finds Dunkin’ Donuts Franchise Could Be Liable for Worker’s Actions
Ma. Court Finds Dunkin’ Donuts Franchise Could Be Liable for Worker’s Actions – A Massachusetts Appeals Court panel reinstated a portion of a customer’s claims to proceed against […]
EEOC’s Pregnant Workers Fairness Act Rules Follow Title VII Regarding Abortion, Lawyers Say
Republican states challenging federal regulations providing for time off for an abortion under the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act will face a substantial hurdle as the rule mirrors well-established […]
New Jersey Court Reinstates Frontline Workers’ COVID-19 Wrongful-Death Case
In an unpublished decision, the Appellate Division reinstated a Bergen County Superior Court wrongful-death suit in favor of the family of married health care aides who died from COVID-19, […]