While associate compensation is on an upward trajectory across the nation, those based in New York, Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, Atlanta, San Francisco, and Washington, D.C., are seeing […]
Ma. Court Finds 7-Eleven Franchisees Fail to Meet Definition of Employee
In a “continuing saga,” involving 7-Eleven franchise operators, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court answered a second certified question from a federal appellate court, finding that franchisees do not […]
Ma. Court Finds 2nd Amendment Protections Cover Switchblades
The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court struck down a nearly 70-year-old law this week, finding it is lawful for its residents to carry switchblades based on Second Amendment protections established […]
Chief Bankruptcy Judge Finds Ex-Judge David Jones Acted in Bad Faith in Connection With Informal Interview
A chief bankruptcy judge in Texas has found that embattled former U.S. Bankruptcy Judge David Jones of Houston acted in bad faith for participating in a recent interview […]
6th Circuit Finds Student Has Title IX Retaliation Case Against University
A divided panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit reinstated a Title IX retaliation lawsuit against the University of Kentucky, finding the district court erroneously held that […]
Ma. Court Finds Dunkin’ Donuts Franchise Could Be Liable for Worker’s Actions
Ma. Court Finds Dunkin’ Donuts Franchise Could Be Liable for Worker’s Actions – A Massachusetts Appeals Court panel reinstated a portion of a customer’s claims to proceed against […]
Judge Finds COVID, Not Gov’s Orders, Triggered Business Loss Insurance Claim
A federal judge in Newark, New Jersey, ruled that the COVID-19 pandemic was a single event for purposes of determining a policyholder’s payout under communicable disease business income […]
Maine Court Finds Employer Not Liable for Employee’s Racist Comments
The Maine Supreme Judicial Court unanimously agreed Thursday that the management company of a Portland McDonald’s franchise is not vicariously liable under the state’s Human Rights Act after […]