President Donald Trump’s acting solicitor general seeks to press the pause button on several pending Supreme Court cases in light of changes in administration policy and also disavowed […]
Elder Litigators Confront Tough Questions in Last Act of Careers
After lengthy careers in courtrooms, older litigators often are well-accustomed to addressing tough lines of questioning. However, they might be less prepared when the interrogatories are suddenly spotlighted on whether […]
DOJ, 8 State AGs Sue RealPage for Alleged Sherman Act Violations in Algorithmic Pricing Scheme
The Department of Justice and eight states have sued RealPage, a real estate software company, for allegedly colluding with landlords to artificially hike rental prices through an algorithmic pricing scheme. […]
Ga. Supreme Court Ruling Clarifies How Open Records Act Applies to Private Contractors
Ga. Supreme Court Ruling Clarifies How Open Records Act Applies to Private Contractors | Page Printed From: (l-r) Anna Green Cross and Meredith C. Kincaid of […]
First-of-Its-Kind Civil Computer Fraud Act Case Lands in Favor of Ryanair
First-of-Its-Kind Civil Computer Fraud Act Case Lands in Favor of Ryanair | Page Printed From: Credit: rebius/Adobe Stock NEWS “I think Judge Bryson’s decisions are going […]
Pregnant Workers Fairness Act Draws Yet Another Challenge
A measure intended to extend job protections to pregnant workers has been hit with another challenge, one claiming that the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission exceeded its statutory authority when […]
Red Lobster Bankruptcy Will Test New Jersey’s Stricter WARN Act
As Orlando-based Red Lobster begins reorganization under Chapter 11, displaced workers at the chain’s New Jersey restaurants are filing suits. The litigation will provide an early application of New […]
EEOC’s Pregnant Workers Fairness Act Rules Follow Title VII Regarding Abortion, Lawyers Say
Republican states challenging federal regulations providing for time off for an abortion under the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act will face a substantial hurdle as the rule mirrors well-established […]