Artificial Intelligence in Corporate Compliance Programs: A Double-Edged Sword

As we have explained in prior articles, artificial intelligence (AI) promises to be a game-changing tool in many areas, including corporate compliance. As more companies deploy AI tools throughout their business, the incorporation of AI in compliance programs will become presumed rather than novel, and the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and regulators will increasingly expect compliance programs to incorporate AI tools. However, organizations that adopt AI solutions for their compliance programs should not expect leniency if those AI compliance systems fail and result in legal violations. The adoption of AI therefore may present a double-edged sword for organizations that are working to implement corporate compliance programs that meet DOJ and regulator expectations.

AI Promises to Be a Game-changing Tool for Corporate Compliance

Companies have already begun using AI to improve the effectiveness of corporate compliance programs, including with risk identification and mitigation. With AI’s ability to process big data to find patterns and identify anomalies, AI can support the detection and prevention of violations of corporate policies or legal requirements. Potential use cases for AI-based compliance tools include:

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